For the chinese market, this pitch aimed to rejuvenate the product category named "adventure" in a highly competitive market. Targeting young consumers, the approach focused on a playful and colorful design direction directly inspired by the product category. Project developed in 2018, the main objective of the pitch was to focus on Pleasuremax and Straberry product (star product) among 5 differents packaging.
"Time to discover new horizon of erotism. The Durex mission aim to explore a wide and large univers made by billions of galaxies of pleasure. With «Cosmondom» the mission leader , you will explore and encounter new way to have fun without, of course, forgetting the safety instruction."​​​​​​​
Projection for the next packaging, not required for the pitch
Pleasurmax Warming : The deep space is usually cold and dark only if you stay away from the warmth of hydrogen fusion star arising erotic solar flare...
Excita Ribbed : Travelling into the deep space, the cosmondom will encounter a planet with its unique linear rings...
Pleasurmax tingle : Discovering a new world, the cosmondom land on a blue planet and encounter wild fauna...​​​​​​​

Thank you for watching.
(Status of the project : Even if the concept was well received by the client, the project could not be developed further as it could not fit the local authority and market sensitivity - graphic content to explicit)

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